Alıntı Zekeriye Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için tıklayınız
Hi Zekeriye,

Great to meet you! I work with Thomas here at LADbible. Thanks for getting back to us regarding your below video, we think it is fantastic!

We would love to offer you a revenue share, video representation agreement to help you unlock your video’s full potential. We work with many amazing partners including NBC, MTV, ITV, Channel 4, RTL, NTD and Discovery, amongst many others. As part of the video representation, we would actively pitch your video out to our partners and hopefully generate you some revenue for you along the way. We want the whole world to be talking about your video and we can be the platform to take it there. In addition to promoting your content to media entities around the world, we would also be looking to help you protect your copyright by resolving any copyright infringements whereby your video has been used without your consent (through our Rights Management team), we believe we can make your video the next viral hit!

So here's a little more info on our actual offer and the work we do: We would like to offer you an exclusive 60/40 Revenue Share Licensing only agreement. Under this agreement, you would still maintain ownership of your video and we would represent the licensing of it. We would negotiate opportunities on your behalf and every time one is completed, we would pay you 60% of the fee. In order to ensure you receive as high a rate as possible from those offers, we would handle them for you and ensure we secure as many as possible on your behalf for the most favorable terms possible.

Let me know if this is of interest or if you have any questions or concerns about the process. If not, I'd love to get you set up as soon as possible, so we can start securing some of the potential early deals.

Thanks again and speak soon

gelen mesaj aynen bu.
RTL, NBC, Channel 4 ve Discovery biliyorum. RTL Hollanda nin onde gelen haber kanallarindan birtanesi. Ladbible hakkinda cok bilgiye sahip degilim ama bunlarda medya sektorun ve muhtemelen senin tek bri video ile ilgileniyorlar. Kanalin ile degil.

Bu video nun senden haklarini almak istiyorlar ama tam satin alma degil, gelirinin 60/40 paylasacagiz diyor. Ayni zaman da bu sana ektsra avantaj saglayacak, haklarini koruyacagiz, izinsiz kullanimlarin varsa onlari bi zyonetecegiz ve gerekiyorsa gelir elde etmek amacli anlasmalar yapacagiz ve video uzerinden kazandigm her kurusu senle paylasacagiz diyor.

Mail spam degil ise bahsi gecen sirket ve is ortaklari Dunyaca unlu ve medya sektorunde onde gelen isimler. isine geliyor ise nasil calisacaginiz konusunda, tam olarak senden ne istedikleri konusunda bilgi isteyebilirsin cunku suan vidao dan ne kazaniyorsan belki daha fazlasini kazanma sansin olabilir. Simdi niye %40 paylasiyim dersen, %40 dah afazla kazanma sansin olacak ama, total da dah afazla eline nakit gecme ihtimali olabilir diye dusunuyorum.