Gonderilen mesaj: Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için tıklayınız

Kullanici: Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için tıklayınız
Suc: Multi Üyelik
Derecesi: 251

Yonetici Notu:
Uyeliginiz suresiz sonlandirilmistir.

Kullaniciya Mesaj:
Uyeliginiz forum kurallari 5. Madde belirtiltigi gibi, her kisinin tek bir hesabi olmalidir. Forum kurallari uymaniz icin bulunuyor, ihlal etmeniz icin degil.

Orijinal Mesaj:
Dun yukledigim vine videosu bugun msn gelen mesaj.
Hi En iyi Vayn,
A copyright owner using Content ID claimed some material in your video.
This is just a heads up
Don't worry. You're not in trouble and your account standing is not affected by this.
There are either ads running on your video, with the revenue going to the copyright owner, or the copyright owner is receiving stats about your video's views.
Note: Your video was manually reviewed by the copyright owner or someone on behalf of the copyright owner.
Video title: Vine Türkiye - Mayıs Vineları 2016 HD
Includes: Visual content
Claimed by: SiriusStarNetwork
View claim details
What's next?
If there are no problems, you don't need to take any action. You don't need to delete your video.
If something went wrong and the copyright owner or our system made a mistake, we have a dispute process. Only use it if you're confident you have the rights to use all the content in your video.
- The YouTube Team