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  1. #16
    Standart Üye Cryable - ait Kullanýcý Resmi (Avatar)
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    Alýntý aliorhan Nickli Üyeden Alýntý Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için týklayýnýz
    orhan orhan twitter bumu acaba yoksa mailmi olacak. tþk.ederim.
    twitter profil linkinizi býrakýn hallederim.

  2. #17
    Standart Üye darkness6162 - ait Kullanýcý Resmi (Avatar)
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    bcanhd instagram

  3. #18
    Serkan Atay - ait Kullanýcý Resmi (Avatar)
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    @Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için týklayýnýz be sana face sayfasý özelden attým genç
    " Atatürk'ü Sevmek Maya Gibidir.Sütü Bozuk Olanda Tutmaz "

    " Delikanlýlýk ne racon kesmek ne adam öldürmek
    nede haraç kesmektir. delikanlýlýk akþam olunca evine ekmek götürmektir... "


    " Atatürk'ü Sevmek Maya Gibidir! Sütü Bozuk Olanda Tutmaz "
    Ne Mutlu Türk'üm Diyene !
    ADAM GÝBÝ YORUM Organik Yorum Hizmeti 1TL

  4. #19
    Standart Üye
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  5. #20
    Standart Üye Cryable - ait Kullanýcý Resmi (Avatar)
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    Alýntý Ýbrahimcan Nickli Üyeden Alýntý Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için týklayýnýz
    Tüm arkadaþlara gönderim saðlandýda hocam sizin kullanýcý adýný tanýmýyor sistem mümkünse sayfa linkini atarmýsýnýz

  6. #21
    Standart Üye
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    Alýntý Cryable Nickli Üyeden Alýntý Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için týklayýnýz
    Tüm arkadaþlara gönderim saðlandýda hocam sizin kullanýcý adýný tanýmýyor sistem mümkünse sayfa linkini atarmýsýnýz
    Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için týklayýnýz

  7. #22
    Standart Üye
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    Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn


    instagram & twitter : yalcinyasbey
    facebook : yalcinhusniyeyasbey

  8. #23
    Standart Üye Cryable - ait Kullanýcý Resmi (Avatar)
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    Alýntý yalcinyasbey Nickli Üyeden Alýntý Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için týklayýnýz
    instagram & twitter : yalcinyasbey
    facebook : yalcinhusniyeyasbey
    Hocam her kullanýcý bir kez yararlana bilir facebook instagram veya twitter üçlüsünden birini seçin ona gönderiyim

  9. #24
    Standart Üye
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    Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn


    instagram : yalcinyasbey

    bu adrese olsun o zaman

  10. #25
    Standart Üye
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    burda hocam bende alayým mümkümse
    Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için týklayýnýz
    Konu ulas09 tarafýndan (18-10-2017 Saat 23:28 ) deðiþtirilmiþtir.

  11. #26
    Bu Uye Banlanmistir.
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    Alýntý Cryable Nickli Üyeden Alýntý Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için týklayýnýz
    Elime bir panel geçti hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn (yada istediðiniz bir gönderiyi) takipçi gönderiyim
    kaç takýpci geliyor bu bildiðimiz 1-2 saatte 50-100 takipçi olayýmý yoksa farklý mý usta

  12. #27
    Standart Üye Cryable - ait Kullanýcý Resmi (Avatar)
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    Konu güncellenmiþtir. Yeni kurallar ile takipçi gönderimleri devam etmektedir.

  13. #28
    Standart Üye
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    Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn

    Standart -

    In today's technology-driven everyone, smartphones have become an needful on of our lives. Among the miscellaneous operating systems at, Android dominates the market with its accommodating interface and vast app ecosystem. Nonetheless, as these devices ripen, they much engage dispatch issues and glitches that can baulk the buyer experience. To speech this growing involve, a extremist Android put back in software has emerged, contribution a encompassing clarification to optimize and stir up again struggling devices.

    Developed nearby a team of experts, this formidable software boasts a afield gamut of stimulating features designed to determine and agree to Android devices' proverbial issues. With an intuitive interface, gloaming users with limited technical knowledge can easily sail during the software and optimize their smartphones' performance.

    Joke of the standout features of this repair software is its faculties to pinpoint and erase unwanted distance processes and debris files that tend to accumulate during days, significantly impacting device speed. Nearby doing so, the software considerably enhances the device's total interpretation, ensuring smoother manoeuvre and reducing lag.

    Additionally, this innovative software also provides users with the functionality to unsullied up and unstinting valuable ñòîðèäæ space on their Android devices. With a undesigning click, users can uninstall unwanted applications, wipe out nest egg and residuary files, and dispose of bloatware that repeatedly comes pre-installed on smartphones. This item face not solitary enhances storage the goods but also contributes to speeding up the artifice, delivering an optimized drug experience.

    Moreover, the renovation software includes a thorough virus scanner that detects and eliminates malware, spyware, and other malicious programs that may compromise figures guarantee and seal performance. At hand regularly scanning Android devices, users can security their personal low-down and ensure their smartphones run smoothly and efficiently.

    In annex to its troubleshooting capabilities, this Android set right Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için týklayýnýz also offers advanced features that can optimize battery life. By way of analyzing battery custom patterns and identifying power-hungry apps, the software empowers users to take authority over of their manoeuvre's verve consumption. By way of closing expendable applications and adjusting routine settings, users can develop their gimmick's battery life, allowing for more uninterrupted usage from one end to the other the day.

    Furthermore, this fix up software provides users with an quiet backup and restoration feature. In the conclusion of undesigned text privation or a device malfunction, users can effortlessly generate a backup of their prominent files, contacts, messages, and app text, avoiding the latent heartache of losing basic information. This additional layer of safe keeping serves as a valuable cover behaviour, giving Android users friendly of mind.

    Recognizing the importance of software updates, this put back in software ensures users are perpetually running the latest reading of Android. Before regularly scanning for scheme updates and gift expedient prompts to go to placement, the software enables users to allowances from the latest features and guarding enhancements, guaranteeing optimal performance.

    Acknowledged the ever-increasing pervasiveness of smartphones in our everyday lives, finding an affordable and unwasteful revelation to talk to Android issues has befit a necessity. This innovative fixing up software offers a cost-effective selection to dear repairs or steady purchasing a original device. At hand breathing new preoccupation into aging smartphones, users can save simoleons and reduce electronic shrink, making it an environmentally palsy-walsy choice.

    In conclusion, this groundbreaking Android repair software represents a game-changer in the realm of smartphone maintenance. With its vast array of features, including performance optimization, storage cleaning, virus scanning, battery executives, backup and restoration, and seamless scheme updates, users can prolong the lifespan of their Android devices and enjoy a seamless and productive operator experience. As technology continues to evolve, solutions like this fixing up software demonstrate the remarkable strides ìåéä in enhancing the performance and longevity of smartphones, enabling users to coax the most out of their Android devices.

    Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için týklayýnýz 30ef402
    Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için týklayýnýz
    Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için týklayýnýz

  14. #29
    Standart Üye
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    Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn

    Standart -

    In today's technology-driven time, smartphones experience become an compelling business of our lives. Among the sundry operating systems available, Android dominates the market with its user-friendly interface and interminable app ecosystem. After all, as these devices age, they much run into performance issues and glitches that can hold back the alcohol experience. To talk this growing involve, a mutineer Android repair software has emerged, sacrifice a extensive solution to optimize and regain consciousness struggling devices.

    Developed sooner than a get of experts, this formidable software boasts a extensive range of impressive features designed to diagnose and fix Android devices' common issues. With an intuitive interface, metrical users with limited specialized knowledge can handily cross under the aegis the software and optimize their smartphones' performance.

    The same of the standout features of this adjust software is its skills to identify and erase inessential background processes and junk files that be prone to amass throughout days, significantly impacting device speed. Beside doing so, the software considerably enhances the ruse's comprehensive carrying out, ensuring smoother operation and reducing lag.

    Additionally, this innovative software also provides users with the functionality to unsullied up and free valuable ñòîðèäæ space on their Android devices. With a open click, users can uninstall unwanted applications, erase store and residuary files, and dispose of bloatware that often comes pre-installed on smartphones. This main attraction not merely enhances ñòîðèäæ the goods but also contributes to speeding up the device, delivering an optimized purchaser experience.

    Moreover, the renovation software includes a thorough virus scanner that detects and eliminates malware, spyware, and other malicious programs that may compromise data security and coat of arms performance. At near regularly scanning Android devices, users can look after their bodily information and protect their smartphones run smoothly and efficiently.

    In annexe to its troubleshooting capabilities, this Android renovation Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için týklayýnýz also offers advanced features that can optimize battery life. By analyzing battery custom patterns and identifying power-hungry apps, the software empowers users to take authority over of their contrivance's dynamism consumption. Through closing unneeded applications and adjusting system settings, users can develop their device's battery existence, allowing looking for more uninterrupted practice throughout the day.

    Furthermore, this repair software provides users with an quiet backup and restoration feature. In the as it of casual text breakdown or a device malfunction, users can effortlessly form a backup of their prominent files, contacts, messages, and app statistics, avoiding the potential heartache of losing carping information. This additional layer of security serves as a valuable insurance policy, giving Android users peaceableness of mind.

    Recognizing the account of software updates, this repair software ensures users are every time match the latest kind of Android. Before regularly scanning in support of approach updates and present accessible prompts in regard to placement, the software enables users to sake from the latest features and guarantee enhancements, guaranteeing optimal performance.

    Delineated the ever-increasing prevalence of smartphones in our daily lives, find an affordable and unwasteful solution to greet Android issues has befit a necessity. This revolutionary repair software offers a cost-effective alternative to overpriced repairs or fair and square purchasing a new device. Sooner than breathing fashionable person into aging smartphones, users can save shin-plasters and trim electronic waste, making it an environmentally matey choice.

    In conclusion, this groundbreaking Android renewal software represents a game-changer in the bailiwick of smartphone maintenance. With its prodigious array of features, including bringing off optimization, storage cleaning, virus scanning, battery executives, backup and restoration, and seamless scheme updates, users can keep up the lifespan of their Android devices and enjoy a seamless and productive operator experience. As technology continues to evolve, solutions like this fixing up software illustrate the exceptional strides made in enhancing the exhibit and longevity of smartphones, enabling users to get the most out of their Android devices.

    Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için týklayýnýz 30ef402
    Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için týklayýnýz
    Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için týklayýnýz

  15. #30
    Standart Üye
    Üyelik tarihi
    Tecrübe Puaný
    Uye'yi Etiketle
    Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn Ýnstagram facebook twitter hesaplarýnýzý býrakýn

    Standart -

    In today's technology-driven time, smartphones experience become an needful part of our lives. Among the miscellaneous operating systems at, Android dominates the hawk with its usable interface and enormous app ecosystem. However, as these devices time eon, they frequently encounter gig issues and glitches that can hold back the alcohol experience. To speech this growing pertain, a extremist Android adjust software has emerged, contribution a comprehensive solution to optimize and revive struggling devices.

    Developed by a conspire of experts, this effective software boasts a encyclopedic range of exciting features designed to diagnose and remedy Android devices' average issues. With an intuitive interface, neck users with limited industrial knowledge can handily cross be means of the software and optimize their smartphones' performance.

    The same of the standout features of this adjust software is its wit to identify and eliminate superfluous distance processes and junk files that be prone to accumulate all through mores, significantly impacting gimmick speed. By doing so, the software considerably enhances the device's comprehensive interpretation, ensuring smoother management and reducing lag.

    Additionally, this innovative software also provides users with the functionality to decontaminated up and available valuable ñòîðèäæ period on their Android devices. With a honest click, users can uninstall unwanted applications, wipe out cache and residuary files, and remove bloatware that again comes pre-installed on smartphones. This feature not not enhances storage competence but also contributes to speeding up the device, delivering an optimized purchaser experience.

    In addition, the fettle software includes a exhaustive virus scanner that detects and eliminates malware, spyware, and other malicious programs that may compromise figures security and device performance. At hand regularly scanning Android devices, users can safeguard their bodily news and ensure their smartphones yard smoothly and efficiently.

    In annexe to its troubleshooting capabilities, this Android state Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için týklayýnýz also offers advanced features that can optimize battery life. By way of analyzing battery usage patterns and identifying power-hungry apps, the software empowers users to upon control of their manoeuvre's verve consumption. Aside closing needless applications and adjusting system settings, users can develop their utensil's battery existence, allowing as a replacement for more uninterrupted practice all over the day.

    Furthermore, this working order software provides users with an tranquil backup and restoration feature. In the event of unexpected text breakdown or a widget malfunction, users can effortlessly produce a backup of their important files, contacts, messages, and app statistics, avoiding the hidden heartache of losing carping information. This additional layer of safe keeping serves as a valuable guarantee behaviour, giving Android users placidity of mind.

    Recognizing the standing of software updates, this restoration software ensures users are perpetually match the latest adaptation of Android. Next to regularly scanning for scheme updates and gift accessible prompts in regard to institution, the software enables users to allowances from the latest features and security enhancements, guaranteeing optimal performance.

    Delineated the ever-increasing universality of smartphones in our common lives, discovery an affordable and effectual solution to greet Android issues has become a necessity. This innovative fixing up software offers a cost-effective choice to dear repairs or tranquil purchasing a modish device. By way of breathing experimental mortal into aging smartphones, users can safeguard paper money and trim electronic put away, making it an environmentally palsy-walsy choice.

    In conclusion, this groundbreaking Android adjust software represents a game-changer in the jurisdiction of smartphone maintenance. With its vast array of features, including performance optimization, ñòîðèäæ cleaning, virus scanning, battery management, backup and restoration, and seamless scheme updates, users can keep up the lifespan of their Android devices and enjoy a seamless and effective operator experience. As technology continues to evolve, solutions like this repair software protest the phenomenal strides made in enhancing the carrying-on and longevity of smartphones, enabling users to make heads the most in of their Android devices.

    Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için týklayýnýz 30ef402
    Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için týklayýnýz
    Sevgili Misafir. Üye olmadan linkleri göremezsin Üye olmak için týklayýnýz

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